A Busy Few Weeks
With going on holiday for the last couple of weeks of April I have been struggling to catch up with various things hence I have not done a blog post for a little while.
Before going on holiday I presented a talk to the Poulton Photographic Society under the title “Lake District Landscape Locations UK”. This was very well received.
I managed to get two videos filmed before going on holiday, though some of the editing was done whist away. These were a trip to the local stone circle to see if I could finally get some decent images. The other was taken at Mirehouse a local large house where I had been working.
St Bega's Church
This is one of my favourite images from my walk around Mirehouse.
My wife and I went to Switzerland for our holiday and I did managed to get some reasonable images whist there. We did have a free day and I went off for a walk on my own which I managed to vlog - https://youtu.be/1v8z6Bdg2Lg.
Having got back off holiday I needed to spend time on my main business and get accounts up to date etc.and get some invoices out.
I have managed to get out three times with the camera since getting back off holiday. This is in order to keep up with my weekly YouTube videos.
It is bluebell time of year here at the moment, or it was a week or so ago. I thus decided to go out and see if I could get some good images of the bluebells - https://youtu.be/O6u6qE5DNSk. I don’t think that this is one of my strong points as I came back a little disappointed.
The second outing was to visit to try and capture an image of Kelly Hall Tarn - https://youtu.be/8Yzo545746Q. This went live today. Unfortunately I made an error in not altering the title shown at the beginning of the video, and this was not spotted till it went live. I have managed to clip the first bit of the video and YouTube is processing this so hopefully it won’t look to bad.
Stinging Nettle with Blue Flowers
This was an image from near Kelly Hall Tarn. I spotted these and was experimenting with my extension tubes. I was really pleased with the outcome given there are handheld.
My final outing was on Friday just gone and should come out next Sunday. I felt in the need of a good walk into the high fells and thus decided to walk to the top of Great Gable from Honister Pass via Grey Knotts, Brandreth and Green Gable. I managed to get some images on the way. I had then planned to try and capture an image of Napes Needle. This is when it unraveled a bit. I had not done sufficient planning as to where Napes Needle actually is and where is a good vantage point to get a good image of it. Anyway look out for this coming out next week and see what you think.