New Website
I have for sometime now been planning to update my website that was written, some time ago, using Squarespace. The main reason for the update was the length of time it had been since putting new images up etc. I now have a lot more images and many I feel better showcase my work.
I am about to do a talk to a camera club. I thus need an up to date website that I can direct people to. So I bit the bullet and went onto Squarespace to start the process of updating the site. This is when I discovered that Squarespace had updated their system from 7.0 to 7.1, so a decision had to be made. Did I just update my 7.0 website or go the whole hog and in effect create a completely new site in 7.1. I chose the latter route and you are now on this brand new website. I felt that it was so out of date that updating it would be almost as time consuming as developing a new site and there were a number of advantages of going with 7.1.
I am writing this initial blog on the 1st of April with the bulk of the work done on creating the website. I hope to put it live in the next couple of days. There is still quite a lot of work needed on the website as currently I have only put up images from the Lake District (where I live) and Iceland. There are other area I would like to cover as well. In the next few months I want to set up an on-line shop to be able to sell images, should any one wish to buy. There are also a couple of other business ideas I am looking to develop and marlket them through the website.
I aim to write blog posts at least two or three times a month, so it you want to know what I am up to just pop back and read about it.